Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pet Update

All the pets are doing well. Olive's newest habit is attacking a small ear of decorative corn we have on our buffet. When she comes in from outside, she heads straight for the buffet, grabs the corn, and carries it under the table. Here she is grabbing the corn. Although there are several ears of corn in the basket, for some reason, she only attacks one ear at a time. We think the things she normally attacks are all hibernating, so she's looking for something to do. Sandy was obsessed with biting her feet for awhile. We were originally told that she had fleas, and we were scolded for not keeping her up to date on her Top-Spot. This (that is, the part about not keeping up to date on the Top Spot) was true, but it actually turned out that she had sarcoptic mange, which is a disgusting mite infestation. Luckily, it's nothing that a few expensive and time-consuming visits to the vet can't take care of. Apparently people can catch it from their dogs, although it does require a canine host to (shudder) reproduce. This makes me itch just thinking about it, but thank goodness we haven't gotten it from her. She's doing really well now, and has stopped biting her feet.


Sarah said...

Glad to know that Sandy can stop wearing her cowl!

dadahl said...

Yes, we took her cowl off a couple of weeks ago because we thought it made her sad. Luckily at that time she was starting to bite her feet less.