Monday, January 14, 2008

New Weather Report! Preparing for College!

One of our Christmas gifts was a backyard weather station, which we finally managed to set up after what seemed like several hundred unsuccessful trips to Lowes for mounting hardware, followed by one successful trip to Radio Shack. We have a wind gauge, temperature sensor, rain gauge and barometer. It also came with software for putting the data on the web. You can see our data by clicking on the new weather link. It's been 40 degrees and raining for the last week. So far then, there's really been no need to check the weather station because the weather hasn't changed. Gearing up to take Peter to college on Monday. Piling up stuff in Sarah's room. Doesn't seem like enough -- what are we forgetting? Supposed to buy "Extra long" sheets. Why? Can't remember size of sheets I bought, will Peter end up short-sheeted? Finally got all of his files/programs off his old computer onto his new laptop, using "Windows Easy (not!!!) Transfer". Hope didn't transfer too many viruses/adware, or at least not the really bad ones. There hasn't been too much progress on the pub name. So far the only suggestions have been "The Babbling Friend", a nod to our nearby stream and the Plymouth Quaker heritage, and "The Coal Hole", evoking the coal mining history of Pennsylvania. Of course French suggestions would be merveilleux (BabbleFish offers le Quaker de babillage, and le trou de charbon).

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