Monday, November 19, 2007

Japan Update

On Saturday night after the meeting, we visited a Shinto temple on Enoshima Island, which was very pretty. It seemed to have some Buddhist elements, too, because there was a big statue of what could only have been a Buddha. The big ceramic bag in the picture is for donations. There were supposed to be some interesting shops on Enoshima Island, but they were closed by the time we got there. There's also a famous lighthouse,but I think that was closed, too. After Enoshima Island, we went to Fujisawa for dinner, and ate in a nice Japanese restaurant. I was sitting with a Finnish professor from the University of Tampere (Kristina) who had lived in Japan at one time. She introduced us to "Shabu Shabu", which is a kind of Japanese fondue or hot pot, where several people cook their food together in a communal pot. The picture shows Kristina and Doug at work on the Shabu  Shabu. Our pot had fish and some vegetables in it, along with some soy sauce kind of thing and some peanut sauce for dipping the cooked pieces. It was pretty tasty, but kind of plain, because the cooking liquid was just plain water. The room was a traditional Japanese dining room, with low tables and a recess in the floor under the table to put your feet. They also had little cubbyholes outside the room for your shoes, which you don't wear in the room. After dinner, we were going to go back to our respective hotels. Unfortunately the train to Yokohama, where Kristina was staying, had stopped running (this is about 11:30), and Kristina didn't have any way to get back. Luckily, my room was a double with only me in it, so she came back with me and stayed in my room. She even happened to have her toothbrush with her, which was a piece of good luck. She was a handy person to have around because she could speak and even read Japanese. In the morning, on the way to the train station, I finally caught a glimpse of Mout Fuji! It looked just like its pictures,and was extremely beautiful, with a nice snowcap. Unfortunatly I didn't have time to take a picture, because I was a little late for the train, so I didn't want to stop. I tried taking a picture later from the train, but I don't think it turned out. Ok, I didn't take this picture, but this is pretty much what it looked like. I had to make a train connection to get from the local train to the Narita Airport Express, which I was deathly afraid of screwing up. I even got my courage together to ask a Japanese gentleman if this was the train to Narita -- my first foray into Japanese other than "hello" and "thank you". It actually was the train to Narita, so I got to the airport safely. Side note: Cultural observation about many Japanese people -- I don't think they understand the concept of "person who doesn't speak your language", because they would often keep chatting merrily away to me and the other people in my group, while receiving back only blank, clueless stares. They never seemed disappointed that I wasn't understanding them, though. The flight from Tokyo to Dallas was pretty uneventful, except that my in-seat entertainment system didn't work and I finished my book (a novel about Cleopatra) before we even took off. I started out by memorizing the Sky Mall catalog,(the extra-thick Christmas edition). I'm always amazed at the stuff you don't need that's offered for sale in the Sky Mall catalog. For example, a pet dish with a cover that automatically lifts up when the pet approaches, which is supposed to keep the pet food fresher ($34.99). Another example would be a copy of Harry Potter's wand for $35. Last but certainly not least, the One Ring (just a copy!) was available for sale for $129. Thank goodness Sauron didn't have a Sky Mall catalog. After finishing the SkyMall catalog, the only thing left to do was sleep, which I did more or less successfully. My new earphones did an incredible job at blocking out the airplane noise and they also sounded great. I was even able to watch part of "The Fellowship of the Ring" on Packy (my PDA) and hear everything perfectly. It turned out that my flight was the pilot's last flight before retiring. Apparently there's an aviation tradition that when a pilot lands for the last time before retirement, fire trucks come out and spray arcs over the plane, which was pretty cool. By the way, the landing was probably the smoothest I've ever experienced. It seems that thirty years of practice helps. We landed in Dallas and I went through customs and immigration without any problems. While I was waiting for my suitcase I was visited by a very cute drug-sniffing dog. He smelled my bag, seemed to notice my package of green tea rice balls (labeled "for your happy tea time"), took another sniff, and then moved on. It must be hard work for a dog to ignore interesting smells that aren't what they're trained to look for. After we got on the plane to Philadelphia, the captain came on the loudspeaker and told us that we would be delayed by an hour and twenty minutes because of bad weather in New York. We actually ended up with a slightly shorter delay, and got to Philadelphia around 6. It's nice to be back!


NMoS said...

I'm glad you got home safely. I'm sure Rachel will love to compare stories at Christmas.

Thank goodness you got on the right train in Japan! I don't know how we would be able to find you if you were lost in Japan. The other night I dreamt that I got lost in India. It was really horrible. The outcome wasn't very good.

dadahl said...

I hesitate to ask about the outcome of your dream. Is it suitable for posting on the Internet?