Monday, September 24, 2007

Radio, Lettuce, and Bernie

The big news is that Peter and his friend Kerrie now have a radio show on the college radio station (WRFM) called "Swilly Pete and his Merry Band". Peter actually said he wanted to call it "Smelly Pete", but the guy he was talking to misheard him, which I think was for the better. The radio station is only on the internet, so you have to listen to it on the computer. Peter's show's on at 12-2 p.m. Eastern (18:00-20:00 CET) on Wednesdays. I think that they just plan to play music that they like, along with some lively patter. I got all the baby lettuce and arugula plants put into the garden yesterday. We should have a nice fall crop. I also tried out Bernie. I used it to mend Sarah's bedskirt, which was torn a little bit. I was really afraid that I would break Bernie because it's so touchy. I was even afraid to try changing the color of the thread, so the stitches ended up  being yellow on pink fabric, but they don't show, so I guess that doesn't matter. Bernie did just fine. Finally, Sarah, if you see this, please tell me how to edit my posts so that the lines line up neatly, like your posts do!

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