About 6:00 today we discovered that the big sycamore tree between our house and the neighbors had completely fallen over and was blocking Gravers Road. We had a bad rainstorm last night and the ground must have been really wet. I have mixed feelings about that tree because it was rather attractive in some ways, but it was always dropping big branches all over the yard. It was a very very large tree. We called 911 and the police came and closed off the road. Peter's friend's car was actually parked along the street there, but luckily the tree had missed the car by about a foot! The highway department is getting it off the road now. Peter and Rich are outside supervising. I am performing the important service of updating the blog. The tree service and the insurance company have been alerted.
Oh my! I'm glad it didn't hit the car. I can't remember that tree, but I know Sycamores are very pretty. We had a lot of snow over the last two days. I wonder if it is headed your way!
I think your snow turned into rain here. It rained all Saturday night and then all day Sunday. We had a lot of wind, too. Then Sunday night the tree fell over, probably a combination of the ground being wet and the wind.
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